Tuesday, June 16, 2009

i dont even know your name
ive dreamt about you twice
i dont know where you live
but i couldnt imagine being with anyone else..
Somebody told me
i would die
that someone, never understood
me or the determination
i hold in my heart to save him
Come back to God Ray
He waits..

LAME emoness

she cries today
her hopes denied
her hart betrayed
because he lied

he smiles away
a broken life
when she comes in
he hides the Knife

she cries tonight
and holds her gun
When he comes in
She flicks her thumb

he dies she Dies,
a depressing end
But he didnt notice
Her thumb didnt bend

He killed himself
She thought she was dead
he did too
and this is the END
i wish i could say it
i wish i could change it
i wish i knew how
i wish someone would explain this
i wish someone would tell me
i wish they knew how
She tried to be noticed,
No one saw her...
She tried to be seen,
They ignored her...

He tried to fit in...
But that didnt work
So he tried to stand out..
And got labelled a jerk

Its not worth it....
why do people try so hard to be who they very clearly are not??
She once told me,


i never believed her...
he couldnt seem to see past her past


Leave out all the pain
Dont hesistate to give someone a hug
Dont let the pain drive you insane...
SMIle like you mean it
NO One will know that you dont
LAugh Along with their stupid jokes
THEy wont suspect anything...
your so broken it hurts
your so lost you cant find yourself
yourso empty its woven into your own heart
dont depend on your own hope to save you
save yourself rom this
its not like anything you say can change it
What have we got to blame it on??
i wanns be EMO without getting told im STUPID or that i need to GROW UP...
can i Do THAT without any ridicule..
Living underneath,
A shadow overhead.
What is there to hold onto?
A silly little lovesick crush..

Monday, June 15, 2009

Im holding onto things I've never seen
Im letting go of everything i konw
I'm dreaming about life from his perspective,
I close my eyes,
And all I see is Chelsea.

She blocks his sight of me,

Maybe he cares, maybe he doesnt. Maybe he doesnt wana hurt me. Maybe he doesnt care about hurting me cos Chelc is all that he see's. Maybe jsut being friends isnt that bad. Maybe its gonna break my heart all over again, but then something he says will put it back together. But then, mauybe that thing he says will make me love him more. Maybe it wasnt meant to be. Maybe it was. Maybe its love. Maybe its not. Maybe I can get over him, Maybe he's gonna be all i think about. Maybe i need a distraction. maybe thinking about it hurts me but then again maybe thinking about it will help me accept that Chelsea is better than me. But maybe accepting that will break me. Maybe I need to be broken. Maybe its good for me. Maybe, just maybe.
im sorry for being who i am
im sorry for trying to get along with you
im sorry for breaking your heart
im sorry for falling apart in your arms
im sorry for being a loser
im sorry for being a bitch, cow, slut, whatever you think i am
im sorry for that time when i lied
im sorry for that other time when i forgot to tell the truth
im sorry for causing you pain
Im sorry for growing too attatched
i wish i could change it


They would say,
"What do you have left EMO? Nothing but a broken heart?"
Why do they control me?
They would haunt me, bring me down to their level and say,
"No one can hate themselves as much as you must."
Why does it still hurt?
They would shun me and tell me,
"You just dont fit in here!"
I was always, too FAT , too UGLY , too SMART to fit in,
Makes sense right?
Why arent I used to it?
I was never good enough,
I was a SHAME.
I began to fool myself I could reach their standards.
I started pretending to be someone else.
I began to forget who I really was...
I told myself:
"You'll fit in someday" "Eventually"
"They just need to see how much like them you really are."
I fooled myself, never them. I forgot who I was.
The SHAM became ME. They kept me alive.
It was an I-L-L-U-S-I-O-N,
Created to quench my thirst for popularity.
"It got me nowhere"
Who am I now?
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing
But an EMO with a Broken Heart.