Friday, June 27, 2008

Puppy love?

He follows you home and stares at your door.
Will he ever gather the guts to come in?
He's cute, but just a tag-along.
He sneaks things from bins you've thrown away
He feels the warm patches on your seat when you leave.
He's really nice, but a really creepy boy.
He looks at his hand in awe when you've shaken it
You won the noble prize and all he thinks about are your
eyes shining so bright.
On day you say, " piss of..go away"
His eyes start watering, so you say its a joke
You don't mean it, even though you did,
You have no idea that this is the boy you will marry
One day he will mature and be loving.
Learning right from wrong in the rules of relationships
But for now you want him gone.

Because how are you to know?

Sick of your empty words...

I lack faith in your promises
I'm on the verge of going crazy
Because I'm sick of your given word
You say you will, but your too lazy.

No one can hear, but I scream so loud
You expect me to trust you an believe
I go out on stage facing the crowd
All alone, I want to leave.

I search through the people, why even bother?
Your car parked outside gives no hope
You've gone off for a drink. Typical.
I always wonder how Mum managed to cope.

I know that right now your too drunk to care
You've forgotten about me, lost in time
I don't know why I expected you to be there.
I was hoping you would care this time.

But once again you fail and you lose
Because your too drunk to notice
That its 1:06 in the morning
And I'm slapping your cheeks.

You won't wake up, you indulged yourself
My medal for best actress hangs in my wardrobe.
All I expect is for you not to care.
No apology,no love, just lies.

When you finally wake up
You smile at me and as
"How was your day sweety?"
I burst into tears and run.
Your head drops to the floor
You now realize you've done it again.
And your own daughter has lost
All hope and faith in you.

Murder in the family

He closes his eyes and sees her dead body.
He tells himself to move on, 'cos nobody cares
He wants to forget, do his time and leave.
He wants to pretend that its all a dream. Imaginary
He didn't really kill his sister in cold blood.
He didn't really pick up the knife and thrust.
He would never see her alive in this world,
But in the next, she would be where he is not.
But now the memory won't leave. Forever stored.
Safely in the front of his head, hiding from the good memories.
It will never leave until he repents and is able
To move on and forget, to be forgiven and loved,
Rather than be shunned by his own family and loved ones.
But who wouldn't when your son,brother,father,grandson
Has killed your sister, daughter, mother, granddaughter?
He took her from this world, even though sacrifice brought her in
He doesn't care, but now the memory of that night haunts him each day.

Hiding the pain

She laughs away the sleepless nights
And smiles away the pain.
But her friends know that she's not alright
She hides it all in vain.

They try to help her but they just remind her
Thats she's never gonna be good enough.
She's a failure to her perfect family.
She'll never be that tough.

She's nothing like her sisters, she's fat and ugly.
But they were all so amazing, so cool.
She pretends that she loves them while they do the same,
To them she's just a fool.

She's known as the girl who hides her pain
The one that always lies.
She wants to let them know she cares
She tries so hard, she tries.
I'm all alone in a faceless crowd.
Life is everywhere around me
But death is life's best friend.
I am served by millions
They bring my every need.
They rely on me, just me.
As if I am the life-giver,
But thats silly, 'cos I'm not
They bring me all, food, survival
One day I ask for a knife
And they run, confused but obedient
It is brought and they leave.
I am alone with none but myself.
To stare at the chamber walls
And beg for freedom from myself

When they finally come back in
I am gone. Dead on the floor.
Lying in a bloody puddle,
A smile on my lonely face.


Willing to watch
Willing to write
Observing creation
By day and by night.


Pen in hand
Ready to start
Expressing my thoughts
Through this wonderful art.
An outburst of hidden secrets.
She tells all that I don't know.
I am shocked by it all.
But as a friend I listen.


Will it be scary?Sad?Painful?
I'm scared of its pulling forces.
It may be scary, but its worth it.
The questions race around in my head.
I don't know how or when to approach it.
Yet I know that one day I will.
Those who approach it never return
They have no stories to tell us.
Because its secrets are its own,
They are taken to the grave,
Never to be heard by man.

Scare away the rain..

Rainbows, rainbows
Shining bright
Giving us new hope
Rainbows, rainbows
Pots of gold
Leprechauns in sight
Rainbows, rainbows
Please don't leave
And help us face the day
'Cos rainbows, rainbows
You may not know but,
Rain comes when you go away.
Tears dribbling down, he cries freely.
Looking up, "Is this really what you want?"
"Yes," she whispers, " Yes, it is. I'm sorry."
He looks away, then turns and walks.
"Jamie!Jamie!" She calls but he will not turn.
This breakup has been so hard.

Because you never know what you've got until its gone.
She sighed," Here it goes again."
The noise was giving her a headache.
She was sick of the beeping sound.
So she hit the snooze button and went back to sleep.
Take my hand, show me how
Lead me to my home.
I know not how this life is lived.
I am an alien on earth.
Begging for an opportunity.
But what happens when I get one?

I fail.
Death takes her hand
And leads her down
The cold dark alley.
It is abandoned at this
Time of night,
And nobody cares
That she has been
Murdered, Unnoticed,
And now death
Raises his head to the
Sky and yells out.
He regrets his decision,
Because he loved her.
But in his own foolish
Pride, He took her from this world.


I'm sorry for making you feel bad...
I'm sorry for walking away...
I'm sorry for over-exaggerating...
I'm sorry that I made you suffer...
I'm sorry for asking you to read crap...
I'm sorry for making you listen...
I'm sorry... please move on.


Whats up? Where's your smile?
I haven't seen it for a while.
Your upset so let me know.
Rather than trying not to let it show.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Scared of a man

He haunts me in dark & daylight
My dreams mobilize his face.
I see him everywhere I go
Always in a lonely place.

Scared of him harming me
But a message is what he wants
To display a sense of emotion
But we write in different fonts

So how to make him realise
That he's scaring me to death
I want him to go away
Cos he's even scarring my breath.

Freedom I and Freedom II

Freedom I
She takes off her shoes
And approaches the sand
Leaving footprints behind her
But also leaving pain for freedom
Suffering, toils, Captivity, done
They are the past and right now,
She is the future.

Freedom II
No looking back, she takes it
The final, deliberate seperation
Severing bonds, she leaves
Her family way behind her
Moving forward and accepting
Change when it comes
Greeting it like and old friend.


Dead but alive
For God I strive
Wanting care
Attention not there
Need to be noticed
Cos I've been dissed
Not standing out
In times of doubt
But not fitting in
When not in sin
God loves all.
Even when you fall...
God cares but you don't.
God loves but you won't.
God smiles but you can't.
God gives but you shan't.
God tries but you fail.
God's soft but you've gone stale.

So shape up or get out!


Looking through the stain glass window
Wanting to go through the doors of the church
But this building is why I am now a widow
I can't stand to look at those who burnt him
My husband died, stuck on a stake
In public areas where he could be seen
I saw them give the petrolium bottle a shake
And sprinkle it over the ferns that hung around him
The stick on fire, soon lit the surrounding branches
He screamed in agony, his own slow death
I ran out to him but they held me back,
I was not allowed to scream, yell for him
I was to stand in silence as he slowly died.
He looked at me through the flames as if to say,
"Goodbye love, I'll miss you!"
And then I knew, it was all for the best.
Because I would see him in heaven.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What does it take?

She was never heard, never seen.
Ignored like she was a post.
Those girls were cows, nasty mean
But inside she bled more than most

Unnoticed by all, even her family.
She hated the loss of love.
She lived in fear, but thinked normally.
She wanted to soon rise above.

Lying alone in bed one night
She finally had had enough
They'd forgotten her birthday, she wanted to fight.
The edge of the knife blad felt rough.

She raised it above her heart and thrust
She screamed so loud, her family came running.
They saw her in agony, but only just
In hospital she screamed, sick of shunning

Finally she went home, her family now noticed.
but why did it have to take a failed suicide?
At school for weeks she was never missed.
she hid the knife, "I'm ok" but she lied.

A hidden rope as her parents came in.
No blood, no life they were satisfied.
When they were gone, she tied a note to her shin
It said," I hope that now I have died!"

But waking up in hospital not dead.
She screams out, again she has failed herself
Screaming in agony from the hospital bed.
Her antibiotics lay unused on the shelf.

This time its pills, no pain or agony, juts death.
she hopes to make it this time, not to fail.
When she's sleeping soundly, she hopes to take her final breath.
To once and for all cross over the veil.

But the pills are too few.Another failure.
Hospital is now her home, but she doesn't want a home
She wants death, no ,life, no being unsure.
But life is unbreakable, Unpenetrable, A dome.

So now they leave her, but she wont leave herslef.
her olny option is pain, so she uncovers the blad.
holds it high and is stopped by an unsettled shelf.
Will she take antibiotics and heal the hurt she made?

No.She thrusts and doesn't miss. This time death.
Her parents come in and discover a note.
It reads," I hope you are happy with my final breath,
As parents , I didnt choose, you dont get my vote.

I love you, but no love was returned.
So now I have taken drastic action.
I hope that now your favour I have earned.
Because all I needed was a small fraction.

Going to School in Misery

She arrives in a tacky dress
The same names as always
The students greet her with,
"Piss off Loser! Nobody wants you!"
But she says she is used to it.

She pretends she cant hear
As she runs through the gate
Acknowledging her teacher
He is the only one who cares,
He asks her if she needs help
But she says she is used to it.

Recklessly aiming an answer back
She says, " Please Leave me alone
I have done no wrong! No
harm. i have said no things
to offend!' They just laugh
But she sayus she is used to it.

Ditched by Everyone

Confused, you ask yourself why.
Because you have nobody next to you,
Nobody wants to sit by you in class.
Your shoved into a corner.
Only to be ignored by the ones you love.
Scorned and hated by all those you care for.
Your so confused , you can hardly talk.
All they do is laugh at your shocked expression.
The days before had been so peaceful.
But now your nothing but a memory.
A lost soul, dead body. Empty inhabitance.
With your back against the wall, you remember.
The days before had been so peaceful.
You remember fondly the years gone by.
The memories are all the same happy.
No sadness, why now? what has happened?

Up in heaven. God yearns for you.
Satan is dancing, proud of his work.
He has ripped apart another friendship
Stolen another heart. Made someone yearn once again
God sighs and tells Satan that its enough.
And now she has once again been accepted
Because God fixed the hurt that Satan caused
You are loved and you owe it all to God.


The bomb hit its target
phone lines cut dead.
The bomb hit its target
no everybodies dead.
No cantact at all.
No survivors . A torture.
The neighbours run away
not wanting to be next.
To take part and lose,
to fight and be ruined.
Left empty, dead alone.
No one to guide,
Or even to walk beside.
In fact, no one at all.
The bomb hit its target
The enemies rejoice
Their threat overcome.
The bomb hit its target.
And now its too late
Because nobody cares
That torture grabs hold.
Rings from you cries,
Pleads, Needing attention.
Arteries severed, broken bones,
But worst by far, heartache.
No survivors of this tragedy.
Only me, not there.
I was gone , but now I'm here.
To tell the horrid story.
The bomb that killed my family.
Will always burden me.

Poem about my school

The whispers rushing round,
The rumours spreading through,
Their victim has been found,
Their victim may be you,
They gossip and they slander
They don't care who they hurt
If it happens to be a friend
They just smile and smile and flirt.

You should know that they don't really care
In fact, its all juts pretend...


He's always there, embracing tommorow.
I'd be stuck without his help.
He truly cares about my past.
He's always helpful with my life.
His problems go unheard.
While he helps me sort out mine.
I've confided in him so much.
And none do I regret.
My sillyness he brushes away,
My immaturity goes uncommented on.
I wish he'd stay forever.
But one day we must part.
He's never look at me twice.
Though he says he would.
But something sayas he lies.
he appeases me with lies and truth.
I can't tell which is which.
We have our faults.
I know his and somenow he knows mine.
I'm spewing out my feelings,
I hope that its alright.
I wish he'd stay forvever.
But someday we must part.
I love him like a brother.
He's always there embracing tommorow,
caring for the world.
Trying to lighten others loads.
He really wants to make a difference.

I'm really glad he cares.
Ryan, you would make a good lawyer.