Friday, November 28, 2008

Dont imagine that your falling.
'Cos when you wake up.
You will be.
When what I say
Becomes cliche.
Warn me. Change Me.
Impossibilities will change.
If you let go of your morbid fears.
The ones that hold you back,
And force you to recant your words of bravery.
But one only understands so much.
Stars circle you.
Engulfed by the beauty
that you posess.
Seeing you.
Is being you.
In another life.
The light revovles around you.
Like my world.
Shadows shift.
The darkness moves.
But only closer.
To suffocate.
And you thought you would survive.
Grasping the cold, distant bar
He pulls himslef up
Against the pressure, and menacing denials
He can do it.

He'll prove it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hate and revenge, Kindle a flame
A war is started but who is to blame?
Gunfire reigns a deceased battlefield,
Each enemy fights for the flag on his shield.
They come at night,
Without being fetched
And are lost in the day
Without being stolen.
They are stars.
To speak to one,
Is to ignore another
Gosh,can we please
The whole world at once?
She puts him over her,
because it isnt friends you spend the rest of your life with.
She's breathing
But its panicked breath
Shes so scared of the consequences,
Like I was,
Like i WILL BE.
When the world falls
you can stand with me
Stand by me, for me
Watch as foundations shake
Walls crumble around you
But we stand strong
Seem men's graves upturned
See shallow hopes fade
See men scream in fear
As God opens His mouth
To speak and condemn men
But we will stand apart
Apart from evil men to fall
They will crumble and shake
Lose themselves in fire
Be swallowed by flames
But we shall stand away
And be taken from this world.
Dang stupid girl!
Get him out of your head.
You know you don't have a chance.
He's too good for you.
Way out of your league.
Too far away to care for you.
Too long distance to remember what you had.
So forget him stupid girl,
Like he has forgotten you.
The 6 grils who came before you are where you wish, and aim to be.
Somewhere in his heart.
You are forgotten, so leave and let go.
Once upon a time,
I saw his face,
uNhappily ever after
I never forgot it.
Is love real? Do people really fall in love?
I know that no one reads this so I have the comfort of spilling my heart to the stupid computer.
I wanna tell you this..
What do I like about Shane griffin? ( dad...don't stalk him!)
Holly's many thoughtful thoughts for this evening:
Shane has a way of making me feel so loved. Throughout the whole night he kept staring at me, the good stare. It was like a mixed look of admiration, wonder and pure fascination. He made me feel like he actually wanted to know what kind of crazy thoughts were going on in my head. You have no idea how good I felt when I first saw him doing that. Maybe he just thought I was weird, and I'm hoping not.
The first thing he said to me was," you and your sister are really good singers."
I had heard that enough that day, ( to clear up confusion, my sister got married and my sister and i sung alto and soprano to a few songs during the signing of the register and at the reception, where my thoughts are based.) But it was good to hear it from someone my own age.

I'm gonna cut the rest of my ode thingy out, but seriously, he;s the one.


monday strikes in mysterious ways
shes not been the same
since she fell from my life


He's been gone so long,
Ican't hear him...see him
I've forgotten his writing.

Just ur typical soapy poem...

shes got no mum
shes got no dad
and everyday
she feels so bad.
she walks to school
she walks away
wishes she could
go to yesterday
wishes that she
had a faith
but she knows its
way too late.
she hopes that they
can overcome
all the voices saying
she is done
she sees them fight
she hears them scream
she begs her god that
she can leave.
she asks him to take her away
to heven where shell stay
away from pain
surrounded by hope
wishes he would come to get her now
come and take this child away
she leans against her bed to pray
god she begs
take her to yourself.
Open your dreams so he may become a part of it.
She opens her mind to believe the words she cannot hear.
Her tears shine bright.
Tear tracks glitter on her beautiful face.
She can say nothing to them. Nothing.
Lose yourself,
Lose yourself in her.
Lose yourself in her eyes.
Fall into her body.
Fall into her dreams.
Become part of her hopelessness.
Be her failure.
She drifted to sleep,
The deepest sleep of all
Which is really a coming awake.
Love and death make children of us all.
She had no answer but that which lay in her tears.
Theres no price if theres no danger

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Someone spoke in the darkness.
Someone refused to listen.
Someone reached for the unknown,
Someone failed to see that this
Leap of faith was fatal.
Someone, somewhere, died that night.
She tells me to dream
And I fly away.
I scream from this life.
And leave it behind.
His life is empty.
His existence wasted.
He is a pointless person.
Kill him.

Life's a beep.

Life will kill you
Knock you down
Make you writhe and suffer.
Kill you. Kill you.
Do not listen to it.
It knows no mercy.


I told you already
I do not love you.
You asked me to be yours
But I cannot.
it is not that simple.
I can't believe you would do that to your best friend.
Kill him in his pain!
Take away the laughter in his eyes!
Kill him! Take no second look!
Kill him!
He will die alone!
No one to save him!


One day I will understand.
He had a childhood too.


I will say it again
I must apologize
I broke me open
My words were harsh and unfair.
Please forgive this shallow soul
I am sorry.

Matt, this ones for you.

I did not write these!

TAKEN FROM BOOK, " Skarrs." By Catherine Forde.
1:On your knee's you beats of war
Paying for your countries crimes.
Wallow in your filth and gore.
Beg for life, and beg some more!!

2:We will break you
For your weakness
We will drain you
Till you fall
We will work you
For our greatness
We will kick you,
While you crawl.
Kommandant. Kempetai.
Blow you away.

3:He's male
He's white
He's strong
He's pure
No taint of colour in his eyes.

4:You've got nothing
To say to him
Good or Bad
You don't set limits.
You don't advise.
You let him do what the heck he likes.
And sit there strumming your life away.
No wonder your sons outa control.

5:Squirm Squirm
Little worm
Writhe and Suffer
Squirm Squirm
Little worm
Red and slick
On my stick
Squirm Squirm
Little worm.

6:With over-population,
You'll always get starvation
You gotta kill not multiply
Each generation,
The weak must die!

7:Shaved and broken
Crack the whip
See them fall
Kommandant. Kempetai
Ribs and bones,
Rib's and bones.

8:Take it
Take it
Take the soul
Shred it Shred it
You control.
She writes about nothing
Her words are blank and shallow
It means so much to somewhere, somewhere
Someone reads it and weeps
From joy, from sadness, from anxiety
Someone would care, someone would listen
Someone, Somewhere.
A hollow hope
An empty love
A broken soul
A dying dove
A shattered dream
She killed the time
You broke her spirit.
You gave her this rhyme.
Don't do it.
What such a man
Can take control?
What such a man
Can steal my soul?
What such a man
Can ravage all?
What such a man
Can make me fall?
What such a man
Forces life in fear?
What such a man?
Holds me dear?

Jo Bro

Now that you know
My world is capsizing
Now that you know
I'm through hypnotizing.

Now its been seen.
Now that you know.
Now nobody's queen.
There's nothing to know.

It should have stayed in.
And never been told.
And nobody can win.
Once the story is old.

But somehow it seems
I'm glad that you know,
After all the catastrophe.
There is something to show.

But before you judge,
From what you've heard.
I should explain.
I love a nerd!

Dad's opinion:

" Lindsay ( Lohan ) and Paris ( Hilton ) should be vaporized and made into dog biscuits so some use can be made of them."
I will take you
Hold you in my arms.
Comfort you always.
When you need me to
I will love you always.
Hold you so close to me.
Little one, I will protect you.
Because you do not
Understand this world.


You take me in your arms
And hold me till its over.
Till time has run its course
And there is nothing more.
We are gone, there is no us.
The night is over,
The moment lost
We are no longer together.
You step back, and are lost,
Swallowed up by the crowd.
You got in your car,
Drove back home
Forgot me,
So typical.
A million words are said in a lifetime.
A thousand words make up a picture.
A hundred words can change a life and
Ten words can make me hate you,
But you'll never understand that
One word, can change it all.


He listens and talks,
But never about him.
He won't spill secrets.
He won't tell anything.
He tells me its not me.
But I feel responsible.
He does exactly what
I told him not to,

Yellow Light

Yellow Light.
Shines Around.
Yellow Light
Makes no sound
Yellow Light
Shine on me.
Yellow Light
Let me see.
Yellow Light.
You are the sun.
Yellow Light
Me you've won.
I go to the ball with Gary, and end up being teased about Ryan, can I ever escape from my past?


Love is blind.
But I will find.
Me in you,
A love that's true
A dying hope
For us to elope.
We seem to be
Finding destiny.
I am yours.
I've opened door's.
We belong.
Forever strong.


I love to dance.
But I was uncomfortable.
I love dancing with him.
But co-ordinations unthinkable.
I stepped on his feet.
Again and Again the same.
I love dancing with Gary.
He held me so close.
I don't love him as this.
But we slow danced away.
And it was so romantic and sweet.
It was awkward at first.
But he taught me how.
To discover my instincts
And move my feet.
One after the other.
In co-ordination and squares.
To slow dance, to square dance.
But he left, We had one night.
He lives in Hastings,
And next time we meet,
I doubt he will remember me.


Having a prince at the ball made me realize how princeless I am in reality.


Wish upon a falling star.
And dream of coming light.
Think about the world's advance
And all will be alright.


Hold onto your thoughts.
Release not your hope.
Hold fast to memories.
If you let them go,
You will lose your identity.


Every time.
I fall behind.
Lose my way
Another Day.
Can't decide.
Which I've tried.
Cannot think.
Cracked the rink.
Who's the one?
Controls the sun?
Moves my heart
To fall apart.
Who do I want?
One of same font?
I wish I knew.
If it was you.
It calls to her.
Begs her favour,
The happy times,
To always savour.
But she cannot
Hide the hurt
LIke bullet wounds
On a blood-stained shirt.


Hiding all she stands for.
Religion is tucked away.
She smiles and laughs along.
Not wanting them to know,
She disagrees entirely

Friday, October 31, 2008


A broken heart,
Been ripped apart.
It's mine you see,
Left from you and me.
It sucks to think,
We reached the brink.
It's gone and overflown,
From what we should've known.
I guess its through,
But I still love you.


I felt right then and there that If I looked up I would see my prince. I looked up and saw nothing but the blank wall of my ambitions, hopes and dreams giving me the finger.

Bryn :)

People try to hard to make Bryn smile. All you have to do is give him some makeup and park him in front of a clothing store. But make sure there's a parking meter and an old lady nearby.

Inspired by Teddy Geiger

My tears energize,
After falling from eyes.
I strike up a tune,
A little too soon.
It looks like I'm done.
Like I'm always having fun.
Like I don't really care
Though its a burden to bear.
Because my tears energize,
They think my sadness lies.

Mr. Keast

According to you,
I cry for no reason.
According to you,
I'll die fro my treason.
According to you,
My life is a lie.
According to you,
I'll always be shy.
According to you,
I'm dead to this love.
According to you,
I'm the offspring of,
A liar.


I live in a dream
But in that I'm normal.
I'm not fat, over-weight,
Ugly, annoying, ruined.
Real life. Welcome to it.
Dreams you chase come
Crashing down.
And as the alarm clock rings
You wake up and realize
That your not perfect.
You are fat.
You are flawed.
You are ugly, ruined, annoying.
You will never be the one who inspires you.


Jump onto the tracks,
Before the coming train.
A cowards only escape
From the pressure of the pain.
Blood spats on the screen.
A track is painted white.
No note, no motivation.
Just a life lost tonight.

She Believes

She believes in the fight.
The Anger, The Strife,
She believes. She believes.


She see's the world through her tears.

Monday, September 8, 2008

To My Teacher:

I'm sorry for the burdens
And sorry for the pain.
I'm sorry for making you feel
Like your the one to blame.
Sorry for not trying
To make it easy for you.
Sorry for not trusting.
Trusting you'd be true.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your time.
That's why this letter is for you.
Descending in a rhyme.

Aaron and Courts

Will she
Get it out of him?


Don't wanna know.
Didn't know he would.
Didnt know he could.
If the love of your company is enough
Then why do I feel like I'm sinking.
Why does it feel like I can't stand up.
Like i can't imagine life without you.
But life with you drags me down forever.

I wish...

Sticking out her tongue
She smiles cheekily at him.
He approaches her slowly.
And begins to appreciate.

Dont make me

I won't!
They don't.
I can't!
"Distraction!" I scream.
I need it. I want it.
When I dont have it.
I lose it


He stands alone
Greeting hope
The one of whom,
I wish to elope.

Romans 8:23

"Professing to be wise,
They became fools."


"The minute all are silent"
The said words sink in.
The class becomes quiet.
For to talk is a sin.
Looking past me
She speaks broken words
Taking wings of dawn
And flies like birds

But speaking lies
And Under-achieving
Her eyes glaze over
She gives up breathing

Saturday, August 9, 2008


It's gruesome story
Splashed across the pages of history
But the joy it can bring
Lights up a day
While another weeps prominent tears
Mourning its loss, the absent spark
Missing from the photo's
Another sings a joyful song
She has found it in her heart
And her other is now there
To reflect her faults back at her
While one is happy
Another is always saddened.
The hole in her heart
Rips open wider
As she decides
She must leave him
And move on alone
Leaving behind all
Everything she loves
Everything she needs
But she has lost it
And she takes one last fleeting look
At what she leaves behind
And the prison van takes her for good.


Hopes & Expectations
Bashed against a wall
As you sink under
And plunge down
You don't care at all
And your drowning because of it

My death : My wishes

If I was forgotten.
If I was left behind.
If I was shoved in a corner.
If I was mourned forever.

I hope I have left a memory.
I hope the good times will be remembered.
I hope that love still guides you.
I hope that heaven greets you too.

Have you mourned for me yet?
Have you given up yet?
Have you had my funeral?
Have you forgotten me?

Please don't be upset
Please move on and love
Please don't ever forget me
Please let me stay forever

I may be gone in body, but never in heart
I may have left my flesh behind
I may be flying free with angels
I may be happy. My soul is with you.

Whatever happens I love you
Whatever goes is good
Whatever you do don't forget
I love you.
He listens and talks
But never about him
He wont spill secrets
He wont tell anything
He tells me its not me
But I feel responsible
He does exactly what
I told him not to...
The sun abandons earth
And darkness creeps in
Swallowing up the happiness
Like a dementor's kiss
He yells at her
She retreats from him
He screams for her
She still retreats
Death cannot revive the love that was lost
Death tries
To overcome
She knows,
It will.


You leave, I die
You love but lie
You take but don't give
I try but can't live
I take my own life
With a kitchen knife.
Your arms are my teddy bear
As you sleep next to me
Please, don't every leave.
Digging in her heels
She refuses to budge
Fighting back tears
She can no longer succumb
So she steps forward ans starts
The Revolution
She loses all
To the ones she loves
Begging for a chance
To be noticed by someone
But all she leaves behind
Is a remnant of who she used to be.


I run out in the rain
I see myself soak through
I am free from my life of pressure
And the rain is here to prove it
It cools my temper down
And now I step back inside
Soaked but relaxed,
And ready to take my life on once more.


I see but don't
I can but won't
I love but can't
I need but shan't
I beg but ignore
I love you... no more.


Stepping forward to claim his prize
He swallows me up with those beautiful eyes
Ensnared and Enslaved, He's got me for good
I know that I will, but not if I should
So I leave him behind, moving on by myself
Going forward alone, with him on the shelf.


She sits alone
Stands alone again.
No smile stretched
Upon falling rain
She laughs with friends
Is it a lie?
She gives the impression
Of wanting to die.
But her haunted face
Cracks a grin
I see her giggle
I see whats within
Losing friends
Gaining enemies...

But she loves herself, no less.


Taking his freedom
From her powerful grip
He lost himself
And let himself slip.
He stands up strong
Stands up tall
But through this whole thing
He let himself fall.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Impressing again

You try to impress
As you fall down again
Pretending that you meant to
But he wont notice
As you try again.
Losing yourself to him
He pulls you in by
Ignoring your calling
And you know that you wont
Give up until he notices.


The rain calls to you
And it sings as it falls
It gives you new hope
As you fear the world
And its common grounds
You try not to cry
As it marks your steps
You splash in the puddles
That rain itself makes
And as you do you realise
That you would die without the rain...

Rain calling

Luck's run out
But you don't care
You feel abandoned
With no one near
You sing a song
But it's all fake
Your relinquished fears
you've succeeded to make
You struggle with life
Losing it again
You go outside
And drown in the rain.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Puppy love?

He follows you home and stares at your door.
Will he ever gather the guts to come in?
He's cute, but just a tag-along.
He sneaks things from bins you've thrown away
He feels the warm patches on your seat when you leave.
He's really nice, but a really creepy boy.
He looks at his hand in awe when you've shaken it
You won the noble prize and all he thinks about are your
eyes shining so bright.
On day you say, " piss of..go away"
His eyes start watering, so you say its a joke
You don't mean it, even though you did,
You have no idea that this is the boy you will marry
One day he will mature and be loving.
Learning right from wrong in the rules of relationships
But for now you want him gone.

Because how are you to know?

Sick of your empty words...

I lack faith in your promises
I'm on the verge of going crazy
Because I'm sick of your given word
You say you will, but your too lazy.

No one can hear, but I scream so loud
You expect me to trust you an believe
I go out on stage facing the crowd
All alone, I want to leave.

I search through the people, why even bother?
Your car parked outside gives no hope
You've gone off for a drink. Typical.
I always wonder how Mum managed to cope.

I know that right now your too drunk to care
You've forgotten about me, lost in time
I don't know why I expected you to be there.
I was hoping you would care this time.

But once again you fail and you lose
Because your too drunk to notice
That its 1:06 in the morning
And I'm slapping your cheeks.

You won't wake up, you indulged yourself
My medal for best actress hangs in my wardrobe.
All I expect is for you not to care.
No apology,no love, just lies.

When you finally wake up
You smile at me and as
"How was your day sweety?"
I burst into tears and run.
Your head drops to the floor
You now realize you've done it again.
And your own daughter has lost
All hope and faith in you.

Murder in the family

He closes his eyes and sees her dead body.
He tells himself to move on, 'cos nobody cares
He wants to forget, do his time and leave.
He wants to pretend that its all a dream. Imaginary
He didn't really kill his sister in cold blood.
He didn't really pick up the knife and thrust.
He would never see her alive in this world,
But in the next, she would be where he is not.
But now the memory won't leave. Forever stored.
Safely in the front of his head, hiding from the good memories.
It will never leave until he repents and is able
To move on and forget, to be forgiven and loved,
Rather than be shunned by his own family and loved ones.
But who wouldn't when your son,brother,father,grandson
Has killed your sister, daughter, mother, granddaughter?
He took her from this world, even though sacrifice brought her in
He doesn't care, but now the memory of that night haunts him each day.

Hiding the pain

She laughs away the sleepless nights
And smiles away the pain.
But her friends know that she's not alright
She hides it all in vain.

They try to help her but they just remind her
Thats she's never gonna be good enough.
She's a failure to her perfect family.
She'll never be that tough.

She's nothing like her sisters, she's fat and ugly.
But they were all so amazing, so cool.
She pretends that she loves them while they do the same,
To them she's just a fool.

She's known as the girl who hides her pain
The one that always lies.
She wants to let them know she cares
She tries so hard, she tries.
I'm all alone in a faceless crowd.
Life is everywhere around me
But death is life's best friend.
I am served by millions
They bring my every need.
They rely on me, just me.
As if I am the life-giver,
But thats silly, 'cos I'm not
They bring me all, food, survival
One day I ask for a knife
And they run, confused but obedient
It is brought and they leave.
I am alone with none but myself.
To stare at the chamber walls
And beg for freedom from myself

When they finally come back in
I am gone. Dead on the floor.
Lying in a bloody puddle,
A smile on my lonely face.


Willing to watch
Willing to write
Observing creation
By day and by night.


Pen in hand
Ready to start
Expressing my thoughts
Through this wonderful art.
An outburst of hidden secrets.
She tells all that I don't know.
I am shocked by it all.
But as a friend I listen.


Will it be scary?Sad?Painful?
I'm scared of its pulling forces.
It may be scary, but its worth it.
The questions race around in my head.
I don't know how or when to approach it.
Yet I know that one day I will.
Those who approach it never return
They have no stories to tell us.
Because its secrets are its own,
They are taken to the grave,
Never to be heard by man.

Scare away the rain..

Rainbows, rainbows
Shining bright
Giving us new hope
Rainbows, rainbows
Pots of gold
Leprechauns in sight
Rainbows, rainbows
Please don't leave
And help us face the day
'Cos rainbows, rainbows
You may not know but,
Rain comes when you go away.
Tears dribbling down, he cries freely.
Looking up, "Is this really what you want?"
"Yes," she whispers, " Yes, it is. I'm sorry."
He looks away, then turns and walks.
"Jamie!Jamie!" She calls but he will not turn.
This breakup has been so hard.

Because you never know what you've got until its gone.
She sighed," Here it goes again."
The noise was giving her a headache.
She was sick of the beeping sound.
So she hit the snooze button and went back to sleep.
Take my hand, show me how
Lead me to my home.
I know not how this life is lived.
I am an alien on earth.
Begging for an opportunity.
But what happens when I get one?

I fail.
Death takes her hand
And leads her down
The cold dark alley.
It is abandoned at this
Time of night,
And nobody cares
That she has been
Murdered, Unnoticed,
And now death
Raises his head to the
Sky and yells out.
He regrets his decision,
Because he loved her.
But in his own foolish
Pride, He took her from this world.


I'm sorry for making you feel bad...
I'm sorry for walking away...
I'm sorry for over-exaggerating...
I'm sorry that I made you suffer...
I'm sorry for asking you to read crap...
I'm sorry for making you listen...
I'm sorry... please move on.


Whats up? Where's your smile?
I haven't seen it for a while.
Your upset so let me know.
Rather than trying not to let it show.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Scared of a man

He haunts me in dark & daylight
My dreams mobilize his face.
I see him everywhere I go
Always in a lonely place.

Scared of him harming me
But a message is what he wants
To display a sense of emotion
But we write in different fonts

So how to make him realise
That he's scaring me to death
I want him to go away
Cos he's even scarring my breath.

Freedom I and Freedom II

Freedom I
She takes off her shoes
And approaches the sand
Leaving footprints behind her
But also leaving pain for freedom
Suffering, toils, Captivity, done
They are the past and right now,
She is the future.

Freedom II
No looking back, she takes it
The final, deliberate seperation
Severing bonds, she leaves
Her family way behind her
Moving forward and accepting
Change when it comes
Greeting it like and old friend.


Dead but alive
For God I strive
Wanting care
Attention not there
Need to be noticed
Cos I've been dissed
Not standing out
In times of doubt
But not fitting in
When not in sin
God loves all.
Even when you fall...
God cares but you don't.
God loves but you won't.
God smiles but you can't.
God gives but you shan't.
God tries but you fail.
God's soft but you've gone stale.

So shape up or get out!


Looking through the stain glass window
Wanting to go through the doors of the church
But this building is why I am now a widow
I can't stand to look at those who burnt him
My husband died, stuck on a stake
In public areas where he could be seen
I saw them give the petrolium bottle a shake
And sprinkle it over the ferns that hung around him
The stick on fire, soon lit the surrounding branches
He screamed in agony, his own slow death
I ran out to him but they held me back,
I was not allowed to scream, yell for him
I was to stand in silence as he slowly died.
He looked at me through the flames as if to say,
"Goodbye love, I'll miss you!"
And then I knew, it was all for the best.
Because I would see him in heaven.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What does it take?

She was never heard, never seen.
Ignored like she was a post.
Those girls were cows, nasty mean
But inside she bled more than most

Unnoticed by all, even her family.
She hated the loss of love.
She lived in fear, but thinked normally.
She wanted to soon rise above.

Lying alone in bed one night
She finally had had enough
They'd forgotten her birthday, she wanted to fight.
The edge of the knife blad felt rough.

She raised it above her heart and thrust
She screamed so loud, her family came running.
They saw her in agony, but only just
In hospital she screamed, sick of shunning

Finally she went home, her family now noticed.
but why did it have to take a failed suicide?
At school for weeks she was never missed.
she hid the knife, "I'm ok" but she lied.

A hidden rope as her parents came in.
No blood, no life they were satisfied.
When they were gone, she tied a note to her shin
It said," I hope that now I have died!"

But waking up in hospital not dead.
She screams out, again she has failed herself
Screaming in agony from the hospital bed.
Her antibiotics lay unused on the shelf.

This time its pills, no pain or agony, juts death.
she hopes to make it this time, not to fail.
When she's sleeping soundly, she hopes to take her final breath.
To once and for all cross over the veil.

But the pills are too few.Another failure.
Hospital is now her home, but she doesn't want a home
She wants death, no ,life, no being unsure.
But life is unbreakable, Unpenetrable, A dome.

So now they leave her, but she wont leave herslef.
her olny option is pain, so she uncovers the blad.
holds it high and is stopped by an unsettled shelf.
Will she take antibiotics and heal the hurt she made?

No.She thrusts and doesn't miss. This time death.
Her parents come in and discover a note.
It reads," I hope you are happy with my final breath,
As parents , I didnt choose, you dont get my vote.

I love you, but no love was returned.
So now I have taken drastic action.
I hope that now your favour I have earned.
Because all I needed was a small fraction.

Going to School in Misery

She arrives in a tacky dress
The same names as always
The students greet her with,
"Piss off Loser! Nobody wants you!"
But she says she is used to it.

She pretends she cant hear
As she runs through the gate
Acknowledging her teacher
He is the only one who cares,
He asks her if she needs help
But she says she is used to it.

Recklessly aiming an answer back
She says, " Please Leave me alone
I have done no wrong! No
harm. i have said no things
to offend!' They just laugh
But she sayus she is used to it.

Ditched by Everyone

Confused, you ask yourself why.
Because you have nobody next to you,
Nobody wants to sit by you in class.
Your shoved into a corner.
Only to be ignored by the ones you love.
Scorned and hated by all those you care for.
Your so confused , you can hardly talk.
All they do is laugh at your shocked expression.
The days before had been so peaceful.
But now your nothing but a memory.
A lost soul, dead body. Empty inhabitance.
With your back against the wall, you remember.
The days before had been so peaceful.
You remember fondly the years gone by.
The memories are all the same happy.
No sadness, why now? what has happened?

Up in heaven. God yearns for you.
Satan is dancing, proud of his work.
He has ripped apart another friendship
Stolen another heart. Made someone yearn once again
God sighs and tells Satan that its enough.
And now she has once again been accepted
Because God fixed the hurt that Satan caused
You are loved and you owe it all to God.


The bomb hit its target
phone lines cut dead.
The bomb hit its target
no everybodies dead.
No cantact at all.
No survivors . A torture.
The neighbours run away
not wanting to be next.
To take part and lose,
to fight and be ruined.
Left empty, dead alone.
No one to guide,
Or even to walk beside.
In fact, no one at all.
The bomb hit its target
The enemies rejoice
Their threat overcome.
The bomb hit its target.
And now its too late
Because nobody cares
That torture grabs hold.
Rings from you cries,
Pleads, Needing attention.
Arteries severed, broken bones,
But worst by far, heartache.
No survivors of this tragedy.
Only me, not there.
I was gone , but now I'm here.
To tell the horrid story.
The bomb that killed my family.
Will always burden me.

Poem about my school

The whispers rushing round,
The rumours spreading through,
Their victim has been found,
Their victim may be you,
They gossip and they slander
They don't care who they hurt
If it happens to be a friend
They just smile and smile and flirt.

You should know that they don't really care
In fact, its all juts pretend...


He's always there, embracing tommorow.
I'd be stuck without his help.
He truly cares about my past.
He's always helpful with my life.
His problems go unheard.
While he helps me sort out mine.
I've confided in him so much.
And none do I regret.
My sillyness he brushes away,
My immaturity goes uncommented on.
I wish he'd stay forever.
But one day we must part.
He's never look at me twice.
Though he says he would.
But something sayas he lies.
he appeases me with lies and truth.
I can't tell which is which.
We have our faults.
I know his and somenow he knows mine.
I'm spewing out my feelings,
I hope that its alright.
I wish he'd stay forvever.
But someday we must part.
I love him like a brother.
He's always there embracing tommorow,
caring for the world.
Trying to lighten others loads.
He really wants to make a difference.

I'm really glad he cares.
Ryan, you would make a good lawyer.